Oxford dictionaries define identity as “the fact of being who or what a person or thing is”. There is an old story of and eaglet that grew up with chicks and ultimately believing it was a chick, hence it cannot fly. Every time it see other birds flying it envy them and only wish it could fly. Why. Because it did not know who it was.
All what this poor eaglet needed to do is to make up its mind and beat its powerful wings to fly into the clouds. Only if it knew that it was created for greater heights. It’s destined to eat in the clouds, to sour in the winds and storms not for mediocre life. It grew up believing its nothing but a mere chicken. Here it was, clucking and pecking with chickens because it did not know its identity. When the wind and the storm comes which was supposed to take it to greater heights, it run and hind with the chickens
Just like this poor eagle, most of us are clucking and pecking and just hoping one day things will be better. We follow wrong people because they seem to be cool. We try to imitate what other people are doing for recognition and fame. We struggled to enjoy the peace of mind because we are being someone else. We turn to cruelty to satisfy our ego but even that would not help us. We trade our sexuality and personality, only to realize that the hunger for being better gets even bigger.
As long as we have a void space of identity, nothing can satisfy us and we are prone to do stupid things to satisfy ourselves or to feel worth of living. We were created for a purpose. We are destined to reign, to succeed, to prosper and enjoy life. The book of Jeremiah 29:11, God said “for I (God) have a plans for you, plans to prosper you but not to harm you, plans to give hope and a future”.
That is the starting point that is the beginning. God created us with a plan and purpose. “Purpose”? Yes! Purpose. The biggest challenge and problem people are facing today is the struggle of finding ones purpose. Due to lack of direction, many a times people take wrong decisions which land them in hot soup. Instead of evaluating how they ended up in the soup, they blame the boiler, but it was their decisions to jump into the pot of soup. There is a proverb in Oshiwambo, “Be careful not to jump a tree bark, you might step on the snake.” This words are normally directed to people who think they are smart and can maneuver their crooked ways. They think they can do anything and go away with it. Only to be surprised by the outcome. Is it not usually the case?
It so amazing that most often we ask the question above when we are in trouble but yet the creator clearly indicate that if we want to know why he has created us, then we ought to ask him or look in the manufacturer manual (Bible). No inventor ever invented in garget without a purpose and plan. We all know very well that every time we buy a garget, we find the manufacturer’s manual inside to help us on how to use the garget correctly/according to the manufacturer. And we know as well any misuse of the garget will cause dysfunction. Is that right?
So, the creator has a plan and purpose for each and every human being. Hence his plans are only known to him and he has in script them in the creation manual. Therefore anyone who want to know his plan and purpose on earth is ought to look in the manual or ask the manufacturer for guidance and direction. When you know your purpose and plan, decision making becomes easy and mistakes are minimal.
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